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Showing posts from April, 2015

Dust Storm.....August 2014 After The Carlton Complex Fire

Back In August 2014 after a hike we got caught in a terrible dust storm. We had hike Maple Pass Trail where the smoke from the valley was still in the air. On our way through Winthrop we made a quick stop for a day pack at the Winthrop Mountain Sports and while we were inside the lights flickered a couple of times and then the power went out. The wind was screaming. On the the Methow we went, knocked down trees, debris and brush flying everywhere. Had to stop for some trees to be removed from the road. Not a fun trip down the Methow Valley, the fire had left so many hills bare with no plant life to hold the top soil that it was blowing everywhere. On into Pateros where it was pretty dark and black. Just a few pictures of the destruction from the fire and the dusty sky. Life is extremely hectic, We are just a few days away from moving in to our new home. The house is not complete, but we are really looking forward to moving forward. Very exciting next couple of days.